Back to school month how is your pet coping

Posted on 8/6/2021 by MFiber

As we bid summer goodbye, we’re now excited for Back to School Month. Whether you are a
parent to a first-time schooler or sending off your kids to college, preparing for the upcoming
school year can be downright overwhelming. Between planning your schedule around your kids’
schedule to shopping for school supplies, you are in for a busy few weeks.

Back to school month how is your pet coping

But while you’re all set for the new school year, here’s a curious question: is your pet ready for
the new school year?

As surprising it is for you, your pet needs time to adapt to the changes this new setup brings.
After a few months of uninterrupted playtime and undivided attention, your pet suddenly has to
deal with the absence of its playmate and buddy. Imagine Woody, Buzz, and the rest of the gang
all anxious and worried when Andy was leaving for college. Your pet may not go through the
lengths the toys went through but your pet will definitely be upset once it starts to notice that its
favorite human is not available for their usual playtime or worse, its playmate is nowhere to be
found. And just as with humans, dogs and cats are prone to separation anxiety and depression
when left alone. In fact, cats who have a history of abuse, abandonment, and being passed
between multiple owners are prone to separation anxiety. Cats with separation anxiety will show
signs of excessive meowing, loss of appetite, excessive self-grooming, trying to escape or
hiding, and destructive behavior.

Fret not, just as you emotionally and mentally prepare your kids and yourself for the imminent
changes, you can also prepare your pet. Here are some tips on how to prepare your pet this
Back to School Month:

1. Ease your pets to a new schedule. To help your pet get used to your child’s absence,
start with short absences to get your pet comfortable with the approaching changes.
Plan a sleepover for your kid at a friend’s or a relative’s house. This way, your pet will get
accustomed to his or her absence.

2. Have other family members take over the feeding or walking duties. If your pet is
used to having just one person walking or feeding it, there’s a higher chance of the pet
being attached to that person. To avoid this, have other family members take turns in
feeding or walking your pet. This will help your pet get accustomed to seeing other
people take care of it.

3. Introduce new tricks to your pet. Learning new tricks will get your pet to focus on
something fun. This will also help your pet form a stronger bond with other family

4. Pets and toys. Place your pet’s favorite toys around the house once your kids leave the
house for school. This will distract your pet and divert its focus on the toys while the kids
are away. Once your kids come home from school, put away the toys and give them to your
pet again once the kids leave for school. This tells your pet that the kids’ departure is
“safe” and assures it that your kids will come back.

5. Toss a shirt or two of your kid. Animals have a stronger sense of smell so make sure
to take advantage of it. Ask your child to sleep in t-shirts he or she no longer wants so
you can put these in your pet’s bed after your child leaves for school. This will come in
handy especially if you have a kid bound for college.

6. Make goodbyes short and casual. Pets take emotional cues from their pet parents so
make sure the kids are calm when they leave for school. Don’t make a big deal about
leaving the house or saying goodbye. This prevents your pet from being anxious and

7. Enroll your dog, too! If you have a pet dog, consider enrolling it in a training class to
keep it busy and to give it something else to look forward to. A few new tricks to show
the family won’t hurt, right?

8. Talk to your vet. If your pet still shows signs of separation anxiety or depression, it’s
best to visit your veterinarian to advise you on what steps to take.

9. Give your pet some TLC. Whether or not you’re your pet’s favorite human, don’t forget
to give it some tender loving care. Your pet will surely appreciate it.

By following these tips you’re guaranteed a smooth transition for the entire family (pets
included!) Now, who’s ready for school?

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