A few weeks ago, one of our MFiber customers shared this story with us. “I had a plumber working in my home and he told me about his dog who has severe digestive and colon problems. Their veterinarian had changed the dog’s diet many times over the last two years. This middle-aged dog had earned the nickname Slug because all she did was lay around. He could not even rub Slug’s belly without her feeling pain. At the end of the day, I sent the plumber home with our supplement that uses MFiber as the leading ingredient. The plumber came back about two weeks later and, while almost crying, explained that, after four days of eating the MFiber supplements, Slug was healthy and active. She was bringing her leash to him to go for a walk and she wanted to play fetch. Also, once she was feeling better, he would give Slug a choice between regular treats and the MFiber based supplements. He put treats and the MFiber based supplements in his closed hands so she could not tell which hand was holding the treat or the supplement. Slug would smell each hand and every time she chose the MFiber supplement. Slug could sense what was good for her.”
On a different note, my son Loren has a friend who suffered from constipation. Being young he did not understand his exact problem. Also, even if he had known about products like Metamucil which is made with Psyllium fiber, he could not afford the $15 per container for this product. My son recommended that he eat some of the same MFiber based supplement the plumber’s dog ate. After a week of using the fiber supplement, he told Loren that he was now regular and he felt his overall health had improved 100%. Remember, this is my son’s friend and this product is for animals. We do not promote this idea, but the results for this sick young man were amazing.
A doctor at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago said that at any point in time about 30% of humans in the United States are constipated to some degree. This has a profound effect on a person’s energy and level of health. We could assume this same statistic could be used for all animals in general because of the way human and animal diets have evolved. Our diets are low in fiber. Fibers such as cellulose powder, vegetables and fruit are expensive, but human food and pet food manufacturers must work within our budgets, so they do the best they can. This lack of fiber causes mild to severe digestive health issues for a large minority of humans and animals.
The staff at MFiber feel that solving this fiber problem, which we can do with our domestically grown, non-GMO, all natural Miscanthus grass fiber, will make the world a little bit better place to live. Miscanthus fiber costs about 75% less than wood cellulose powder and is less expensive and easier to handle than vegetables. Our website shows how we manage the farming and manufacturing in-house, which allows us to bring a high-quality product to our customers at a very affordable price. We can only sell into the pet market today, but we are very aware of the human need for inexpensive fiber products.
At MFiber, it’s not all about the money. It’s about the joy and pride we get from making a better product at reasonable prices for our customers.